Mindfulness, Good Vibrations and Working The Quantum Field

meditation-1384758_1280Why is mindfulness a worthy pursuit?  Because it’s a good idea to be conscious of our endless flow of thoughts – more than seventy thousand a day apparently. We’re not going to catch all of them of course, but we can identify repetitive thoughts and feelings that cause discomfort.

Each thought we have creates a matching emotion that immediately begins to affect us on all levels.  They create our general state of being, moment by moment.

Our states can range from harmonious to agitated and every other conceivable emotion.  They create a resonance and a frequency that deliver health and wellbeing to our body, mind and spirit – or the lack of it.  We most definitely create good and bad vibes for our selves, right down to our cellular health as we swing from state to state, often unconsciously. 

Ah, but to take some time to be still, to quieten our mind, to reflect or meditate -or simply to do what we love.  We then have a chance to sift through our thoughts and delete those that have outlived their usefulness.  Choosing to focus on healthy, self supporting beliefs and attitudes begins to sculpt our brain, forming new neuro pathways while outmoded ones peel away through lack of attention. The term Neuroplasticity tells us the brain is capable of change at any age and that change comes from where we place our attention – and focus is key.

Einstein thought imagination was the most important thing and he would tell school children to daydream.  We can understand that imagining all the things we would love to experience, rather than your worst fears would create a fertile mental and emotional environment. It would create a different frequency of thought and alter our state of being and we would feel that change as would others. In this ‘reflective universe’, as Einstein termed it, what we radiate in that unseen way is drawn back to us is corresponding experiences.  A smile begets a smile and misery attracts like company.

When we are awash with our best thoughts and feelings we move into a cohesive state – physically, mentally and emotionally.  We begin to entrain our world, internally and externally. We’re more at the helm of our being moving deliberately to our preferred life events.

We will not be able to avoid all of the big and challenging life events that are destined to shape our unique journeys but we can contribute consciously to how we move through them and how we continue to create our lives.


Your feelings are your own inner GPS and your excitement serves as your compass. Following your excitement is what your soul hopes you’ll choose to do with your free will.

If you follow that thread of excitement you’ll find that it is connected to all manner of experiences that hold that same quality of joy and wonder.  You’ll experience coincidences and synchronicities that let you know you’ve had a hand in their creation. It’s the way “all that is” likes to remind you you’re on track. 



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