You Are What You Think
We become what we think – and just as our body would suffer if we fed it decaying and devitalised food, we need to nourish our mind with life giving thoughts that truly sustain us and allow us to grow towards the light of our greater consciousness.
All the fresh juices, supplements and exercise in the world won’t combat a diet of self defeating thoughts that create unwanted chemical responses in our body – and unwanted experiences in our life.
Hormones are released into our body with every thought and emotion we produce. It’s not difficult to imagine that anxious, critical or fearful thoughts flush our body with the hormones of stress, while encouraging and compassionate attitudes create very different reactions that build health and wellbeing.
Our bodies are pharmaceutical factories – and our thoughts and emotions are the prescriptions we daily write for ourselves, often unconsciously.
When negative thoughts flood our systems with cortisol … we are immediately on the way to feeling poorly. Inflamed thoughts create inflammation in the body. Acid and inflammation are the breeding grounds for more serious ailments.
Our emotions of course create our state of being, and negative emotions soon have us radiating a frequency to match. Whatever we emit is on its way back to us in this reflective universe – and very soon we attract more things to confirm our pessimistic outlook.
The emerging field of Epigenetics shows that genes are also turned on and off by our internal environment – our emotional states. We don’t have to accept that we are automatically predisposed to certain health outcomes because of our family history. The receptors on the cell membrane are not only sensitive to our external environment but also our mental attitudes and perceptions, our stresses and expectations. Leading a healthy lifestyle and maintaining a healthy mind set encourage our genes to express positive, disease fighting behaviours.
We all have a lot of conditioning through family, community, culture and the legacy of human history tucked in our DNA. These unseen characteristics shape our personalities, our expectations and our experiences.
As Oscar Wilde said: “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinion, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
The importance of shaping our own unique and supportive view of self and a positive world view cannot be overstated. Fortunately, we live in a time of compelling and empowering breakthroughs in medicine and science that tell us our brain has a limitless capacity to change and grow.
We are always free to over-write old, limiting patterns of thought that keep us locked in a level of mind that no longer serves us. Yes, it takes clarity and commitment to wrestle debilitating core beliefs to the ground and develop liberating attitudes and true definitions of self. It is of course, the only diet worth adopting!
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