Whale Rescue
Last week a whale beached itself on the coastline where I live.
I’ve often wondered how these beautiful creatures with their sophisticated use of sonar lose their way so completely. What could go so wrong with their internal navigation system which normally connects them so powerfully to their family group and their migration routes?
I then thought it is the same for us at times when we become disorientated, becalmed or beached in our own lives or when we totally disconnect from our own personal guidance system.
I watched the group of locals in their wet suits in the cold water – keeping their vigil around the whale like sentinels. They could do nothing but be there with it in the fading light and wait for the water to rise. They stood there in the shallows comforting this motionless mammal – acknowledging where it was, a ‘fish’ almost out of water – knowing with certainty the tide would turn.
There’s an important message contained in this episode. I think this is what we as humans need when life stops flowing and we feel beached and powerless. It is during these times we need others to stand with us in the shallows – compassionately acknowledging where we’re at – holding a view of our future that we cannot necessarily see ourselves – and coaxing us gently back into deeper water where we can feel the natural currents of life again.
It’s good to remember how powerfully your own thoughts can affect the wellbeing of another. When you are concerned about those around you, seeing them as you wish them to be helps their own GPS kick back in.
The story of this beached whale had a happy ending which was inspiring for everyone to witness. Seeing that whale swim away from the rescuers – and the unbridled joy on their faces was one of those feel good moments that stayed with me and one I just had to share.
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